In case you are wondering...

In case you are thinking to yourself - Is that THE SoulSongs from Saskatchewan? Well, I am here to tell you that it is me, really! The one and only! So that should take a load off your mind... right? Good.
So I just wanted to get this thing started, and tell you a bit of what I am about, and why I wanted to have MY VERY OWN BLOG (ewww I am SO excited!)
First of all, I have a lot to say. That is probably the biggest reason for this blog.
Secondly, I believe I have a lot to offer, and I intend to do that in a down to earth, straight from the heart, opinionated way. (Well... who isn't opinionated, I ask?) Now that does not mean that I am single-minded or closed-minded or bigoted... hell no! I love a good debate, and if you can give me better reasons, or other idea's I am more than willing to try them on for size, and adopt them, if they are a better fit that mine - so fire away!
Thirdly, (that word looks really wrong somehow) I have a lot of things I am really passionate about, including, but not limited to: Dogs, (especially German Shepherds, like Pinkie in the picture up there), cats, (especially Egyptian Maus), horses, cows, goats, sheep, and llama's (except I really don't know any llama's... hmmm).
Oh and fish - how could I forget my fish, and no, I don't mean the kind you eat (the idea of fishing really grosses me out, to tell you the truth) but fish like Oscars, Convicts, Jewels, guppies (even though they do eat their own young... come to think of it I had a cat that did that too.), 'newcomers' (don't ask me, the name just stuck - I think they are really Green Terrors) loaches, yeah, I think you get the drift...
Oh, and Plants! I was so fortunate to inherit my green thumb from my Mom - yes, I have an awful lot to be thankful to her for :-) Love ya Mom, whereever you are!
I have had some pretty weird types of plants bloom for me too - like jade plants, and ivy's - ugly ugly flowers, but ya gotta love them for putting out that kinda effort for me :-) I strongly believe in the 'torture' method of raising plants - that's right, I'm admitting it here for all the world to see... nothing like muttering the odd threat now and then to them when they are getting out of line - my favorite is as I am walking by, just casually saying something like, "Hmm, maybe it's time to CUT YOU DOWN TO YOUR ROOTS - hehehee... or maybe telling that hoya that keeps insisting that it wants to have only one REALLY LONG branch, instead of sending out some youngun's - "yes, I think it's time to chop that branch into about 16 peices and root them" - never fails, next time you look you will find a nice batch of new growth shooting out all over... yeah, the torture method all the way - works like a charm!
So, there's your teaser... I'll be back with more later!
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